No pardons given by Illinois Governor Pritzker yet this year (as of June 3, 2024)

Very unfortunately, I have confirmed through two Freedom of Information Act requests that Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker has yet to grant any clemency petitions in 2024 (as of June 3rd, 2024).  Although I do not have specifics, I am aware of multiple petitions for clemency having been denied by the Governor during this same time frame.  More hopefully, though, there are still many undecided clemency petitions pending before Pritzker, and we can only hope that he reviews these before long and moreover, sees fit to grant the deserving petitioners relief in the form of a pardon with authorization to expunge (or a commutation of sentence).

The next round of quarterly hearings on petitions for executive clemency before the Illinois Prisoner Review Board is scheduled to take place in Springfield, Illinois, from July 8th through 10th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel located at 3000 South Dirksen Parkway.

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